Hello, so I was just curious, if there is any possible way sperm can still me wet and moist after about 9 hours? The reason is because after masturbation the night before, about 9 hours later, the tip of my penis touched the front of the outer toilet, and I am not sure if this was just urine or actual semen, still wet, from the night before. The reason is because it didn t really smell like urine and I am scared that it might ve smelt like semen. I used a wet wipe and wiped really hard the part where the wet could ve been, however, it was just a simple wet wipe, and did not contain any chemicals, just water, and a few weak acids, I then dried it with toilet paper about 5 times really hard. If my mom used the bathroom an hour later, and even though after I dried it, it felt dry the toilet, I am scared that maybe I missed a spot or I couldn t see a spot, if she didn t penetrate her vagina with the toilet part, but if she accidentally touched the possible wet part with her vagina, if she can get pregnant this way. I am terrified about this and would like to get some clarification on whether my own mom can get pregnant this way. Even though it was 9 hours later, and I also urinated right when I woke up, so I am hoping this would also have cleaned out all the semen inside me. Thnx!