I fell a month ago on my elbow, the shoulder, then finally my head. I fell backwards. There is a slight swelling to the right of my elbow and acheness right below elbow up shoulder. It is much better than a month a go, but still bothering me. I teach PE and it has been hard not to use my arms, but have an ice pack I use often on it. When I rub my finger across the swollen part and about 3 in. down the front side of my forearm it feel strange, not tingling but not sure how to describe it. I can twist arm gently, raise arm, bend fingers.... but can not pick anything heavy up, at the beginning it hurt everywhere to lift a big glass. I just wonder how long it would take if it is a bone bruise or multiply bone bruises to heal? I broke the same shoulder a few years ago and it feels nothing like that, but never landed on my elbow before.