I broke my tibia on June 9th in multiple places. It did a spiral around. I was put in a cast by the 1st orthopedic surgeon I saw, who felt surgery wouldn t be necessary. After about a month, the cast was taken off & I was put in a boot. Next time I went back, I had a new surgeon there. He did more x-rays & said he felt it would heal on its own. 3 visits later & the doctor not being there at my appointments, insurance pulled me & put me with another orthopedic surgeon (#3). He did x-rays & said they had me in the wrong boot which hindered my healing. He put me in a Air cast boot. Remember, my accident was on JUNE 9th & here I am still broken. My question, Is it normal to take so long to heal & looking at the xrays, should they have done surgery in the 1st place? THANKS for your time.