Hello dear,
In order to maintain a normal BMI, the ideal weight for 5'3" height is 104 - 127 lbs for females and 112 - 136 lbs for males.
Since you are 160 lbs at present, you need to reduce your weight.
For this, you need to perform regular exercise & take certain measures regarding your diet, such as:
1. Avoid eating white breads, rice and pasta. They have high calories and increases the blood sugar level.
2. It is better to have complex carbohydrates such as whole wheat bread, oatmeal and brown rice.
3. Consume low fat versions of milk and cheese and avoid oily foods.
4. Have a diet rich in low calorie protein foods such as egg whites, etc.
5. It is better to avoid soft drinks and fruit juices which are rich in calories.
Instead, drink large amount of water (about 6 to 8 glasses) throughout the day.
Dietary fiber such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts can also be included in the diet.
Wishing you a Good Health.
Take care.