My daughter in law is a healthy fit 35 year old Principal of |Elementrary School. She also is very athletic and works out daily and is a bodybuilder. For past 10 mons presents with abdominal bloathing, belching, passing excessive gas. Engergy now has gone down past 2 weeks to point she can barely go to work. She has fever, chills, belching, upper rightsided mid pain deep in side . She is eating small amounts. Denies vomiting but nauea on occassion which brings on belching. Her sister had gall stones at 26 yrs. Treatment was delayed and her sister eneded up with a new laparoscopy method. She later had infection throughouther system and 5 years later died with breast cancer. She has seen Drs in Regina to rule ouf IBS, glutten free diet as well. She is going down each day. I took her to Emerg yest in Small City Sask and she was told she was severely constipated., She had just a good BM that morningl. Xray confirmed impressive constipation. Picolax was ordered X 3 pkgs as well as fleet. Today all she can pass is liquid. It is ot diarrhea but watery which looks like Picolax, I am RN working with these Physicians and tomorrow we may drive her to our large hospital 2 hrs away. I want to exclude; CHOLECYSTIS , IMPACTED BOWEL, AND BOWEL OBSTRUCT.