Aspirin is a blood thinner and an anti-platelet drug,it is very beneficial in
cardiovascular disease patients
(Esp those with
hypertension and high blood cholesterol levels).
On the other hand,fish oil contains omega3 which is good for the heart,brain,
acts as an anti-oxidant,
increases the good cholesterol levels etc.
Contraindications for aspirin use are mainly
bleeding disorders and
peptic ulcer disease/severe gastritis.
Other than that,aspirin is a very safe and beneficial drug.
If you do not have any of these problems,you can take aspirin regularly as prescribed.
Vitamin K2 can be taken as well along with aspirin and fish oil,
Its normal level is required in order to maintain optimum PT (
prothrombin time) levels.Level decreases particularly in
chronic liver disease cases where external supplementation is a must.
Hope your query is solved.
Take care