I have got addicted to Avil 50 along with tramadol. I was a back patient, (operated and completely cured), but I have got addicted to tramadol and avil 50 consumed at the same time. Just to experience the kick every day I get by consuming these medicines at the same. My addiction has inceased so much that I consume 10 tramazac and 6 avil 50 every day without fail. Everyday when I start feeling crazy aft the consumption, I promise myself that if I survive this day, will dis continue the same from tomorrow, but the tomorrow never comes. Aft having the medicine, I start feeling numbness (actually not numbness exactly) but heavy in the entire right side of my body. Aft the effect of the medicine is over I feel fine. I really want to get raid of the same. Seeking help I have just got married 4 months back. I am 28 yrs old. I seem to have reduced my appetite to a large extent. I have also started getting agitated in my nature. I have been consuming these medicines for over yrs every day now. The consumption has increased so much that if I don t get it, I start getting very impatient. I feel too low on my determination, without fail I make promises to myself for discontinuations and fail everyday. I know its affecting me in everything. 3 months back due to sudden stomach ache it was discovered that I have stone in both my kidneys the treatment for which was taken, but I am unable to get raid of this addiction. Now I have started feeling terrible numbness (not numbness but the feeling that comes when someone gives anesthesia and it starts feeling heavy, I am able to do everything, but the heavy sensation is their and is a very uncomfortable feeling) my heart beat also increases and aft the effect subsides the heavy sensation goes away and the heart beat also gets normal. But because I consume this dosage everyday, this happens daily. I feel very scared from within when this happens I sometime feel that it is going to land up in a death and make fake promises to myself and God for discontinuation, and make a fool out of myself every day. But I am unable to get raid of this. I really need help, as I cannot tell this to my husband or parents for this matter, they will throw me out of the house. I myself realize that its getting on to me, and somehow I enjoy that craziness and weird feeling so much that I am unable to stop myself from intake of these medicines. Please please help and please tell me how do I do this being at home, as I will not be able to go to a consultant or something. Please help