Thank you for the Question is not safe to get pregnant immediatly after having misscarriage..
Detail...As there can be many causes of
miscarriage , first you need to rule out the cause..e.g...hormonal problem, placental problem , uterine problem, nutritional , genetical, viral infection,or wether the problem was in fetal growth . After that you can have idea that what precautions you need to take to prevent your
pregnancy.I would also recommend you to take
folic acid 5 mg tab per day preconception....In my opinion before getting pregnant , you need to be in sound health , and wait atleast for 6 months , so that you prepare yourself for next succesfull pregnancy...until that you take care of proper diet, make sure your
haemoglobin level is fine and take folic acid tab.
Duphaston tab is hormone( dygesterone), given to prevent from abnormal bleeding or miscarriage and so on..but first I would suggest you to wait for at least 6 months then if you plan for next pregnancy discuss with your gynaecologist for preconception stage.
Surely my answer will be helpfull