I had 3 wisdom teeth out on Tuesday, two were through the gum, one was impacted. I've been in awful pain since - today's Sunday. I was prescribed Melfen 400mg, Solpadeine 500mg, Oxynorm 5mg, and Amoxicillin 500mg - with instructions on how and when to take etc.
But by yesterday (Saturday) I had to ring my local GP to see if there was anything stronger she could prescribe me. She's now put me on Solpadol with Codeine 500mg/30mg and Diclac 75mg. So far, only the Solpadol is having any effect, but I only get relief for about an hour or two before the pain comes back as bad as ever.
My jaw/cheek is still swollen, but not as bad as earlier in the week and I can't open my mouth too far but I can see stitches around my the inside of my cheeks and gum.
Is this all normal to be feeling so bad? I should say, I'm a ginger, and whether it's a myth or not, apparently our pain threshold is much lower than that of another person.
If anyone could advise on anything to take or what to do, I'd really appreciate it, because this pain is driving me to distraction.