I have gone through your query and can understand your concern...
As it has been less than a day after sexual intercourse. You could take
emergency contraceptive pill also known as Morning-After Pill.
How it works- Pregnancy doesn't happen right after sex. After the intercourse, sperm and egg meet & thereafter
implantation to uterus happens.That's why it's possible to prevent pregnancy even after it. Emergency contraceptive pill prevent the implantation.
Emergency contraceptive pill (Levonogestrel pills), are up to 95 percent effective when taken within 72 hours (three days) after unprotected sex. Levonogestrel pills may not work as well for women who have a
body mass index (BMI) of more than 25 ,The IUD or ella are better options for overweight women who need emergency
Copper IUD can be used as emergency contraception if inserted by a health care provider within 120 hours (five days) after
unprotected intercourse. It is 99.9 percent effective.
Visit a gynaecologist if needed.
Dont worry you will be fine.
Hoping your query is solved