Can you please answer my questions based on two scenarios, I am extremely worried and not able to sleep properly.
Scenario 1 --Due to dryness and psoriasis, I had multiple cuts on index finger of my left hand. One of the cut was 4 mm long and 1 mm wide. AS far as I remember, there was no active bleeding but it was visibly red. I had also applied moisterizer on my palm 4 hours prior to exposure, however had washed my hand twice before exposure.
Then, I went to a Strip club and was approached by stripper. She was holding my hand for about 2 minutes, when my index finger was rubbed on her right hand palm, more specifically to the folds between thumb and index finger of her right hand. I think the cuts touched her palm/skin that way.
what are the chances of HIV infection through the cuts, especially if there was some HIV infected fluid on her palm/hands - may be the semen of another customer or her vaginal fluid. Though I remember that her palm/hand was not wet, but what if there was some dry fluid.
Scenario - 2 -- After that we went to a private area, where I received a Lap dance from her. She rubbed her breasts on my face, then she aroused me for a while and then she touched her Vagina for about 5 seconds. Then she rubbed her Vagina on my private parts having my Jeans on) and after 2 minutes I did ejaculate in my pants. I remember that there was no direct genital to genital contact. But what if there was her vaginal fluid on my clothes and my cut finger touched that.
What are the chances of I getting HIV infection in these 2 scenarios.
Many thanks in advance.