Tamara, 23, 166cm, 54kg- No out of the ordinary previous medical issues, and never had anything like this before.. I don't know if i have pityriasis rosea or bad ringworm? I have what looks like a herald patch, or bad ringworm and 7 other smaller patches all on my trunk, all of which are reddish in colour but much smaller, like pityriasis rosea or some kinds of ringworm.. I have a doctors appt in 3 days but was hoping to gain some insight before then, i have researched the conditions and i keep finding contradicting information which has lead me to believe it could be either.. Which one would it be? I've been using anti-fungal cream for only the past few days, would that affect it badly if its pityriasis rosea? Should i keep the patches hydrated if its pityriasis rosea?