I am a 60 year old woman with Pancreas Divisum/Divisim. I wasn t diagnosed until I was 46. After over 3 years of ERCP s and a multitude of tests, scans, etc, they discovered the problem. This has turned into Chronic Pancreatitis over the years. I am now at the point that I weigh 95 pounds, fear eating food of any type, as I have tried a wide range of diets, both ruling some foods out, as well as trying to enjoy a very healthy veggie diet, working healthy foods with some chicken or shrimp for flavor. My attacks are becoming more frequent and I am approaching a panic stage. I am an otherwise healthy woman who sees her doctors and specialists on a regular basis. Can you point me in the right direction. Keep in mind, yesterday I ate only 10 red grapes. I took my enzymes and did everything right. I don t smoke or drink! However, in a matter of 15 minutes, I was in a full blown attack and having to take pain medications, of which by now, I am chemically dependent and having massive issues with fear of continued addiction. Thank you in advance for any guidance you might be able to provide. Sara Fishman YYYY@YYYY 760-565-7166