Hi, How are you? I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis.
Benign tumors of the liver are uncommon in general population but are fairly common in patients who take any form of pills with a high estorgen content (
oral contraceptive pills,
hormonal therapy, anabolic
steroids, etc).
Hepatic Adenoma is one such tumor which occurs very often in these set of patients. Going by your history, I would strongly suspect that you have developed a Adenoma in your liver. Although these things remain asymptomatic for a long time, they can cause pain due to increase in size. A more drastic complication is sudden bleeding or rupture of the tumor, especially if the lady becomes pregnant (so
pregnancy is contraindicated in patients with untreated adenomas). In addition to this, there is also a risk of the tumor becoming cancerous. Follicular nodular
hyperplasia of the liver is another possibility, but the current imaging techniques should be able to differentiate the two.
The first thing to do after a Hepatic adenoma is diagnosed, is to stop all forms of hormonal therapy. This usually causes a dramatic decrease in the size of the tumor though complete disappearance is very rare. Since a definite risk of cancer exists, most surgeons (including me) would suggest a resection of the tumor. Nowadays, these tumors can be safely resected ("cut out") using laparoscopic technique. Your description saying it is half hanging out of the liver makes this much more feasible and safer. I would advise you to contact a specialist surgeon trained in this technique and get his opinion.
You do not have to alter your diet in any way as this will not affect the tumor.
Hope this helped and hope you get well soon. Please do not hesitate to contact me if any further clarification is needed esp regarding centers which specialise in
liver surgery - rxsuresh@gmail.com