my partner aged 51 drinks about 2 bottles of red wine in an evening, often more on weekends when he starts around midday, he only gets 'drunk' once or twice a week and blames that on not eating enough rather than how much he's drunk, he also smokes cannabis daily. on occasions he stumbles around can get unreasonably angry but doesnt remember it in the morning.he doesnt believe he is an alcoholic because he doesnt drink in the morning, doesnt have hangovers and holds down a responsible job. He wakes up around 5/5.30 every day, has coffee and returns to bed, he thinks this is 'just his body clock'. He has recently been to his gp as he bleeds from his anus, he has suffered from piles for years but says the bleeding has changed. I think there must be a link to his drinking and maybe if he knew this he may acknowledge it and address it.