Cirrhosis results from damage to
liver cells from toxins and inflammation. Damage and dead liver cells are replaced by fibrous tissue, which leads to
fibrosis (scarring). The fibrous tissue decreased blood flow and it can back up the
spleen causing it to enlarge and sequester blood cells. Most often, the
platelet count falls because of splenic sequestration.
ALP and Platelets test result with your husband shows that his liver is functioning not well.
Cirrhosis of the liver is irreversible but the treatment of the underlying live disease may slow or stop the progression. Such treatment depends upon the underlying etiology (cause). Termination of alcohol intake will stop the progression in alcoholic cirrhosis and for this reason, it is important to make the diagnosis early in a chronic alcohol abuser. So his platelets low it may come back better if he stops drinking alcohol on time.
There are many complications from live cirrhosis and it can lead to life-threatening. So you should go to follow up with your doctor for further prevention treatment to prevent complication.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Heang Chan Raksmey, General & Family Physician