I m 5 4 and 24 years old..according to my age and height, I just found out I should have a weight of 150lbs and BMI between 20-25, with 18.5 being the lowest (or so I m told). HOWEVER, I weight about 104 pounds (47kg) and have probably seen 117lbs as my MAX weight ever. BMI is 18.13 now. I m down to 1 light meal a day, and have been like that for 6-8 months or so. I do not eat my greens nor meat..have even cut out chicken over the past 4 months. Generally survive on mini snacks, frozen food, or junk food. I went for blood tests in October, and I was told I have iron deficient anemia. I was at level 7 or 9 with my iron stores, should be at 12 minimum. I was given iron pills to take twice daily (Feramax 150) but I ve rarely been taking them (I forget!). I do not take or have ever been on birth control. Lately, I ve been noticing my nail are blue-ish purple and I generally DO NOT get hungry or am not motivated enough to eat at all. My meals have been as big as my snacks used to be in the past. I have been stressed lately and emotional too, dealing with anxiety (usually want to crawl away and hide, or sometimes forget how to breath and have to force myself) and haven t had motivation or inspiration to live..been looking for a reason to live at the moment and find meaning to life...still getting there slowly... This month I did not FEEL like I was getting my period (no feeling, no cramp, nothing). I had unprotective sex when I was 1 day overdue my period. He pulled out, and did not *** inside me. I worried about the sperms in the precum from foreplay. I took the Plan B after 18 hours of sex. I still have had no spotting, nor any cramps at all. It s been 2 full days since the unprotective sex, and 3 days overdue on my period. I usually always get my period on time, with a 26-28 day cycle. I had a 37 day cycle two months ago and last month was 25 day cycle. I ve taken the Plan B once before in September. Could it be that I generally just missed my period? What s the likelihood of getting pregnant when you re a day late on period with iron deficient anemia and possibly being anorexic, and he pulled out? Should I be worried? What should I do?