A high TSH value indicates
hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism with normal or subnormal T4 is called overt hypothyroidism. It is usually in caused by an abnormality in the thyroid gland. The most common cause worldwide is environmental
iodine deficiency; however, there are several causes including medications and autoimmune diseases. There are a couple of drugs that can also alter TSH and thyroid lab results. Hypothyroidism is easily treated with thyroid replacement. It is a lifelong treatment.
Most thyroid nodules are not serious and do not cause symptoms.
Thyroid cancer accounts for only a small percentage of nodules. There are several causes of thyroid nodules: Iodine deficiency, overgrowth of normal tissue, cyst, inflammation of the thyroid,
goiter, and cancer. Therefore, you will need a
biopsy of the nodule to distinguish between benign and malignant causes. In addition, you probably need a thyroid scan which can further evaluate the thyroid nodules. Depending on the results of those test, will determine the treatment course.