I recently had non-consensual/unprotected sex. It was my first time... It was rough although it didn't last long and it hurt at the time.
I was really sore for two days after and had a fair bit of bleeding. On the third day, it started to burn when I sat and went to the bathroom. I looked in a mirror and saw 2 white sores on my vaginal opening that hurt to the touch. They weren't blisters, there was no breaking or scabbing. I assumed it was an infected tear or friction sore healing due to the placement.
I went to a walk in clinic three days later (a week after the incident) and they told me I had a UTI. She looked at the sores and swabbed them for herpes. She said they looked a bit like herpes but that she couldn't be sure. Two days later this (8 days after the incident) the sores had completely healed.
I went to my family doctor and got the clinic to send over the results. All the STD tests came back negative. She said she assumed it was due to a tear as the first herpes outbreaks do not heal as quickly and that I should get a blood test for HIV in three months. She said if I get another sore I should come back to her to undergo a culture right away as this was more accurate than the blood test at this point.
Two and a half weeks after the original incident I came down with a very bad cold and had a very stuffy nose, not sure if this is related at all. All my friends at school were sick as well and I may have caught this from them. During this week I experienced random dull/shooting pains in my vaginal area and some occasional itching. I'm dealing with some post-traumatic stress after the incident, and obsessing over STDs and thought it could all be in my head. I went to the doctor again and I did the urine std tests again. She said I might have a sinus infection but didn't want to put me antibiotics in case it was a yeast infection after taking the UTI medication. Everything came back negative again.
I'm really confused and overwhelmed by all of this, I don't know who to talk to. What do I do next? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have nightmares, can't sleep and experiencing extreme stress and a loss of appetite.
Thanks in advance for any assistance you may be able to provide.