1. I just read that "Braxton Hicks Contractions" are not painful, but in My first pregnancy..I had contractions without pain(it might be rare case), another problem is I don't even know how the contractions will be, although I am having second pregnancy.
In my last pregnancy, one day suddenly my stomach got too Tighten over belly and I went to the hospital then I found I am in labor. when doctor found cervix dilation, she induced labor to feel the contractions more, then cervix dilation has happened more but still I didn't feel the pain of any contractions or any sign of labor or no water break. Then Doctor broke my water and baby started move at that time then I felt pain and baby came out (it took hardly 10 mins). In this case I really didn't feel actual labor signs so I really don't know what is going to happen this time.
from 3-4 days, I observed that my stomach is too tighten and baby movements got less (may be it is too early to feel this) but I am not sure.
so I am worried how to find the true labor contractions? ( Now I am 30 weeks pregnant)