32 yr old female trying to be surrogate. Weight 138 and 5 ft 5 in tall. 2 easy non-complicated natural pregnancies and deliveries in 2009 and 2011, got pregnant both times on 1st try. With recent surrogacy journey, in 3 attempts (and 3 cancelled cycles) lining could not get above 7mm and intermediate pattern (B rating) and saw scant fluid on 2 instances (1 recent mock cycle and one prior cycle months ago). Any thoughts on why any of this is happening? I even had a hysteroscopy with D&C to rule out complications and give me clean slate , but apparently it didn t help, although on a positive note it showed everything looked good and results came back normal. Any advice and opinions welcome. I really feel like I was meant to be a surrogate and really want to help someone wanting a baby and am so discouraged that this isn t working. Wondering if something could be wrong that hasn t been seen yet? Oh yeah, and it was on 2 mg estradiol for the first week each cycle, then it was upped to 4mg/day for remaining cycle days. Started off the entire process with 1 lupron depot shot only and never went off the estradiol. Thank you!