A while ago (about 2 years) I found a small bump on the edge of my upper lip. It didn't hurt, change size or color... It was just a bump with what looked like a small darker point in the middle. It wasn't noticeable unless you looked very closely. I thought after a while that it was maybe an ingrown hair, so I applied pressure to both sides of the bump. After a while, a very thick, opaque, yellowish fluid (I guess) started to come out of it and kept its shape when pressure was no longer applied. I used tweezers to pull the yellowish stuff out of it. One more has appeared in the same place several months later and I got rid of it the same way. A few months ago I noticed a little bump above my eye, on the inside of the crease of my eyelid. I know for sure that it wasn't there before, but I assumed it was a little sac of fluid underneath the skin, until recently, when I saw a darker point on it. What is the bump above my eye (identical to the one I found on my lip) and should I be worried about it? Is there anything I should do to get rid of it? (I applied some pressure to the outside of the bump and the same sort of thick yellowish stuff came out of it as well.)