I took an Alaskan Cruise, and ate escargo. Ten months later after not feeling up to par, I decided to do a fast with just bottled fruit juice and water. I did this for 5 days. I have IBS, and in my stool, I saw what looked like a red kidney bean. The next day, I saw two more. I scooped one up with two table spoons. I cut it in half, and it was white fleshy inside. I had not had any kidney beans and besides that, I pulverize my food. I looked on the internet, and found that liver fluke looked like that. I took a health food parasite cleans for 6 days, and saw smaller cream colored things. I had gotten a caugh, bug going around, and discontinued the treatment. Since then, I have been brewing and drinking Essiac tea. After about two weeks of two oz of tea at night, I had IBS diarriah twice yesterday, and saw probably close to 50 things that looked like larger sesame seeds. I have had gall bladder surgery, so have a ring around the bile duct. How do I go about getting tested for this parasite? Also, I have given blood a few times, will this affect the blood?