I have symptoms highly indicative of hypercortisolism. However, all biochemical evaluation up to this point has been negative. Currently, I am attempting to investigate the atypical presentations of cushings with my endo, but my suspicion, while improbable, is leaning towards GIP stimulated hyper secretion of cortisol due to aberrant receptors on my adrenals. I am not looking for a response referring to how unlikely this is, I am already fully aware of the statistical odds. I am a 22 year old male, in the prime of his life, attempting to sort through some debilitating symptoms with no apparent explanation. I have a six month wait until my next appointment, and am trying to be somewhat proactive with my time. Now for my question; would a diet that is low in glucose and fat, with a sustainable amount of protein be effective in lowering the post meal rise in Gip? Vegetarian diet with supplementation of key nutrients?? I am not planning to switch to any dietary adjustment for an extended period of time. This is simply an experiment as my symptoms seem to be exacerbated by meals, with significant amelioration while fasting.