hi, l have had optic neuritis in both eyes, and am on the computer at Baylor Low Vision Center in Houston as one of 6 worldwide who have had it for no apparent reason, l woke up blind in my left eye and after a few days some vision came back in sepia then followed with colour but only with approx 50% vision and needed corrective eyeglasses this was in 1992 in 1996 l had an emachular star on my central vision in my right eye, after steriod treatment, lumber punture M.R.I. ect again corrective glasses also tested for Lymes discease, have needed new glasses every 6-12 months as the prescription changed, 8 years ago after suffering badly with headaches and beening sick after air travel was found to have a brain anyersym after surgery to have it clipped l seem to have lost hearing in my right ear my eye sight is getting worse, l am unable to drive at night because of night blindness, l am unsteady on my feet and have what l can only expain as round both of my wrists it feels like l have rubber bands round them and the top of my feet also, any suggestions, l am female 63 years of age and have no insurance, please help, thank you