I am 47 years old. I was abused as a child.I have tried to have a good life, but, it has not been so. Mostly, I have known betrayal and suffering. I have had very little joy or happiness. I am lagally blind. I suffer from clinical depression. There is so much more. However, the point is this: I have been married for over 20 years. My wife has always seemed very selfish and immature, although she presented herself very differently before we got married. Recently, I discovered that she was completely rewriting her history. By that I mean that she has created this fantasy world in which everything is my fault. She has done nothing wrong, ever.It is not just an embellishment. She has had a break with reality and truely believes this delusion. I cannot emphasize how difficult it is to deal with someone who opposes me on most things and, then, later, has the delusion of being the perfect supportive wife. I am far from perfect. I have made many mistakes.I can give specific details of things I have done wrong and right. She can t give any specifics. Just ambiguous generalizations. I want to give up. What can I do?