I appreciate your concern
I will definitely help you in best possible way if you can answer my these questions
presence of any medical or metabolic disease
Do you smoke or consume liquor
first of all it needs to rule out any organic cause for
low sperm count and non motile sperms, by treating the underlying cause , healthy sperms can be improved
If it fails to increase, than
artificial insemination and other artificial reproductive techniques can be used.
I would advise you following guidelines
Watch your frequency of sex and look for any injury
Make your bedroom your guest room.more conducive and appealing for sex.
Spend more time in foreplay and take your time
You can ask your wife to press at the base of the glans when you feel to ejaculate
Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
Avoid stress and
anxiety , just relax and enjoy your day
There are medicines available for
erectile dysfunction as well as
premature ejaculation, please let me know if you have need any more assistance, I will gladly answer you
Hope this answers your question
Best wishes