Hi, I used to consider this a major problem and was very fearful of it becoming known by others. I have autophagia. A self diagnosis, so I m not sure if it s legit. I compulsively chew off and eat any callus that forms on my body. Having done so since I was around 5-6 I now have a ready supply of thick skin all over my hands and feet. I also compulsively eat my lips. It seems to be prompted by a variety of things. First and foremost is hunger, then comes anxiety, boredom, stress and finally loneliness. As i said, In recent years having exposed some friends to my behaviour I m no longer fearful of talking about it. I m concerned if this form of pica will damage me over the long term. I m 24 now and haven t experienced any side effects apart from the gradual sharpening of my teeth. Also considering the fact that my calluses have grown in size, the appearance of my hands and feet are rather grotesque. So ultimately i want to be able to stop this behaviour, any advice?