Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...I have a problem with my veins. This has been for years and I think it is due to some chronic illnesses I have experienced. It is always a chore to draw blood or get an iv. I had a procedure done on my back and it more beneficial for the patient to get sedated thru the iv. 3 different nurses tried to start an iv on me. First one tried, and couldn't get it. She told the nurse that is considered the best for starting ivs on the difficult patients. She couldn't do it. Lastly, they called a nurse from the surgery dept. to start one, after 3 tries, she walked a way saying she give up. I had been stuck nine times that day with no success. I had to take this procedure without any sedation, needless to say it was painful. I screamed all 20-25 minutes of it. I need to know what can I do to prepare my veins for future blood drawing and ivs. I really want to know how to just make my veins better.