I am a 23 yo graduate student studying for my DPT with a decent amount of knowledge of basic medicine. I am having an acute episode of bacterial vaginosis. I am using OTC remedies that have helped in the past because I am broke and out of town right now and only have coverage at my student health facility back home. I'd prefer not to go on antibiotics unless necessary anyways. I will go to a doctor if the condition persists or worsens. I have pain in my lower abdomen, yellow-green thick discharge, foul odor, and severe itching and burning. I have had this on and off in the past. I am on NuvaRing, which I have been told can contribute to why I have this problem, but I do not wish to switch back to oral contraceptives and would rather use other methods to prevent this from happening. I am about to use medicated wipes and a rephresh vaginal cream to help balance my pH. Should I remove my NuvaRing during this episode even though it has a week left? What can I do to prevent having bacterial vaginosis problems in the future? Eat more yogurt? Take folic acid? Take vitamins or even prenatal vitamins? And what about acidophilus pills? I know all about how sex can affect this and how condom usage is important but I haven't had a sex in a while so that's not what brought this on. I shower twice daily and use hypoallergic non-scented Cetaphil soap for that area, so my hygiene is good too. Please help me ASAP! Thank you!