Thanks for your query in HCM. I am Dr.Aliem, and I am pleased to answer your query.
Fungal infection in the body, especially in groins, is a fairly common skin condition, especially among youngsters. It just goes off with the application of certain anti-fungal
ointments or medicated powder. Whitfield's ointment is a time tested remedy for this. It is availabe in the pharmacy over the counter. But it causes the formation of a whitish layer over the applied area, which disappears in a short time. Better medications are available, please consult your physician or
dermatologist. I have a few suggestions for you:
1. Keep the area dry as far as possible. Especially, avoid getting wet with sweat.
2. Keep the area cool.
3. It spreads by contiguity. Avoid sharing clothes/undergarments.
Fungal infection in mucosal areas, like mouth, may be indicative of some conditions which will suppress your immunity, like
Diabetes. So please consult your physician, who will order some blood tests for you. If you have difficulty or pain on swallowing, an upper G.I
endoscopy may be needed.
Hope this helps. Feel free to send further queries if any. I wiil be glad to answer.