Hi Doctor Samuel, My name is Rohit Tuteja, I am 31 years old. Last year in November all of the sudden I have got pain in my neck and I heard a voice of something streched behind my neck. After that I was unable to view properly, looks objects in front of me shaking and my stomach got upset and my Blood pressure got low. I immediately went to hospital they hospitalized me and told it is related to Neck Cervical . After that pain near to my heart also got started, I consulted heart speacialist and he did ECG and TMT Test and told nothing wrong with my heart. I consulted many doctors and didnt find the right treatment for two months. Finally I consulted doctor and describe about my story he asked to take vitamins test like: Folic Acid , Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D . After test they found I had lower vitamin d and folic acid. Since I had pain in the back of my neck and lower vitamins level. He gave me medicine Nexito 5 mg to start with. And once he found the medicine is not reacting me ...he advise me to take these things and and me to take till 6 months. Below are the medicine name: Nexito 10 mg (Once in a day), Etilaam 0.5 mg(twice in a day) and Shelcal, Calcirol and Folvite. I have started taking these medicine and its been more than six months I am unable to recover from the neck pain . I tried to leave these medicines but Nexito and Etilaam I cant. Whenever I tried to leave that I have headache and pain in neck. Also sometime pain in my shoulder. Atleast pain in heard is lesser what it was in november. I am wondering how to recover from this condition (Neck Problem - Cervical), also how to get rid of these medicine. What should I do ?