Diet is of great importance in managing
Water Soluble Fiber :
Water soluble fiber like grapefruit pectin, oat bran, and
psyllium aids in reducing the levels of
LDL cholesterol. It must be mentioned that approximately 2/3rd of the dietary fiber(Wheat fiber) is water insoluble and thus patients can choose either a high-fiber diet or a diet in which fresh fruits and oat fiber are prevalent.
Add Healthy Fats to your Diet
There are many fats which are actually good for you and can aid you reduce cholesterol and
triglyceride levels. Good sources of healthy fats which can be included in your diet include fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, olive oils, canola oils seeds, nuts, avocados etc.
Add Low
Carbohydrate Vegetables and Whole Fruits:
You must take low carbohydrate vegetables like spinach, broccoli, leafy greens, peppers, onions etc in your diet. Apart from this, it is essential to add whole fruits instead of dried fruits. It is also essential to watch your intake of refined carbohydrates like white bread and sugary foods and beverages.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Your Diet:
By taking high dose of Omega 3 fatty acids(6-12 g/d); one can have therapeutic reductions in serum triglycerides levels for about 40% to 80%. It must be noted that though dietary intake of 9 to 12 oz salmon each day can provide the benefit, it is more easily achieved by taking concentrated fish oil supplements.
If you have been relatively inactive for a long period of time, it is suggested that you start with low-to-moderate level activities, such as walking, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, gardening, house work, dancing and moderate exercising at home. These activities should be performed for a few minutes on most days to start.