Hello thanx for using hcm,
You didnt mentioned about your height and weight.
Hypothyroid is a condition where your
metabolism slows down and you tend to put on weight.
Consume a low calorie , low fat diet with exercise of 45minutes - 1hr daily.
Eat more of fruits and vegetables and less of carbohydrates like cereals and starches like rice, chapathis, breads , pasta, noodles, potatoes any other grains. Restrict your self to portion size.
Consume healthy
proteins like eggs, lean meats, chicken without skin, pulses, beans.
Divide your meals into 5 small meals a day
Avoid use of fats like ghee, butter, cream, lard, coconut.
Avoid processed foods , bakery products, deep fried foods as it gives you lots of calories and makes you put on weight.
Avoid certain goitrogenic foods like green tea, cabbage, cauliflower, brocolli, soyabean, groundnuts ,radish.