Male, Age 17. 5 7 140 lbs. Wants to lose weight rapidly for a wrestling match. He restricted hi diet to 500 calories a day and used diuretics. Exercises vigorously for 2 hours a day. Symptoms include arrhythmia, tachycardia , shortness of breath, confusion, headache, diarrhea , drowsiness , muscle weakness and mild paralysis of lowere extrmities. Family history of heart attack, grandfather at age 92. Normal red and white blood count, low total protein, slightly elavated creatinine kinases, low vitamins and minerals, shows depressed metabolism, coronary angiography and nuclear scan results normal, elevated kidney function, borderline renal failure, negative for recreational or medication drugs and high levels of the laxitive Miralax. The patient is seriously malnourished. Could he have nephrosis ?