Thank you for asking at HCM.
Foreign objects in the eye are a common problem and the many times doing the right thing the first minutes and hours after it happens, is the most important thing. Generally most of the times those minutes and hours are before a patient sees a doctor so it is important that patients are informed on how to deal with foreign eye bodies while they are planning to see the doctor.
1. first of all if you had a huge eye trauma and are now having pain, do not do any intevention but cover the eye with a clean gause, do not scratch it and just run to the closest health center for help.
2. if caustic solution fall in your eye, the first 20 minutes are vital and do not waste time running to the doctor first but ask someone to take tap water and flush your eye for minimum 15-20 minutes, you might need a total of 2 L of water to do a good
flushing of the eye. You can try to flush your eye yourself but this is difficult but best if no other options. After flushing for 20 minutes, close the eye with a clean gauze and see a doctor as soon as possible.
3. If insects fall in your eye, still flushing the eye with water will help remove it without much hurting the eye.
4. any
eye pain or
vision loss is a sign of emergency and you need to see a doctor urgently
5. after every eye trauma it is good to see a doctor even if you think you removed the foreign object and feel better. Sometimes some antibiotics drops in the eye are needed to prevent infections.
So I would recommend you to see a doctor after having an insect or other foreign bodies in your eye and you flushed your eye. The doctor will examine you and see if you have hurt the eye structures, will see if you have dirt (parts of the foreign body) present and might do another eye lavage in the office (flushing of the eye) and might advise you to cover the eye or use sunglasses or even prescribe antibiotic drops locally most of the times. Rarely there is need for more treatments.
It is normal to feel uncomfortable after having a foreign body in the eye and not necessarily you have damaged your eyes but it is safer to be checked and take the proper medical attention.
Hope this answers to your questions and is helpful to you.
Best regards