Good evening, Mum 78 had sudden shivers on saturday night by sunday morning she was well, unfortunately on monday while watching the tv a bee bit her on the arm and in 10 minutes she started vomitting and her eyes were turned white, I called the ambulance and she was given antihistemic injection together with the drip and by mid day she was better and was discharged by 3pm from the hospital and was very weak could hardly walk, on wednesday she seemed better but still in bed and was feeling dizzy with bad `spinning of the head`. Today she started vomitting (not much) and I called our GP to see whats going on, he gave her an injection of Stemedil and told me she will be ok in couple of hours, at lunch time I gave her light meal and she vomitted all out! She feels very weak, cant walk, and needs to sleep! Shes diabeticon insuline, on anti caugulant pills, had a stroke 9 years ago but all was well affecting her speach...........dont have a clue what to do! Very worried! Her sugar level is normal, her pulse is ok, her blood preasure is normal!