I have abnormal bone structure in my face and am curious if this is likely genetic, environmental, or mere quirk. specifically: cheek bone protrusion slightly less on right side, adult teeth on right side mostly normal with 2 imbedded in sinus, others slightly underdeveloped on top right palate, and missing top right wisdoms (other three present). I also have had it recently brought to my attention my hair (most noticeably bangs) grow slower on the right. I am 25, female, Caucasian (north Europe heritage), raised in NW USA. Every article I can find points toward cleft palate related medical conditions. That seems much more severe than my case. Any clues on key medical words to search? Genetic syndromes? I am purely curious about my self, as medically necessary surgery had already been done (mostly, removal of floating and in appropriately imbedded teeth ). Thank you for your insure and direction.