Hi, thanks for writing to HCM.
Most possibly your symptoms are due to
SUPERFICIAL THROMBOPHLEBITIS, which indicates some amount of inflammation in the involved vein. To confirm the diagnosis of this condition, a doppler
ultrasound is necessary.
Superficial thrombophlebitis is usually a short-term condition that does not cause complications. Symptoms generally go away in 1 to 2 weeks.
To reduce discomfort and swelling, support stockings and elevation of the affected limb are recommended.
A warm compress in the form of moist heat fomentation to the area may also be helpful.
Non steroidal antiinflammatory medicines like
Advil or Aleve reduces the pain & inflammation.
Appropriate antibiotics are needed , if there is an associated infection.
numbness in the pinky and ring finger indicates neurological disturbance in the
Ulnar nerve, which supplies those two fingers. Consult a Neurophysician for a detailed examination and further management.
Hope this information is helpful. Good day