Hello there. I m an eighteen year old female, and a recovering bulimic for the past six months. For a while now, I ve been having the same symptoms: A persistent cough, that worsens after eating. Chest pain that feels like a tightening, especially after sleeping, or lying down. And more recently: nausea at night time for hours, acid reflux with the nausea, frequent burping, and occasionally a cramping pain after eating. For a period of two weeks, my doctor put me on the prescription antacid Protonix because I told him that I thought my symptoms match that of G.E.R.D. It did seem to help a little bit, but not with the cough. Although in my recent visit, my doctor said he wanted to address the coughing the most, and that he does not believe this to be a G.I issue. Through all my research and in dealing with my own symptoms, I do. The symptoms have been present for a long time, and given my history with an eating disorder for four years, I believe a G.I issue is very possible. I ve asked to at the least get some kind of screening done, a Barium Swallow or an endoscopy. My doctor gave me nose spray and scheduled a sinus X ray and a pulmonary exam; the results for those test haven t come back yet. A month ago, because of the chest pain, I went to the ER. They ran a CT scan and an X ray. Both returned normal. Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you for your time!