I am 44 years old. Uterus anteverted and bulky. Posterior wal subserosal fribroid 2.1X2.0 cms, right lateral subserosal fibroid 2.6x2.1 cms, anterior wal intramural fibroids in lower corpus 2.7x2.3 cms and 2.9x2.2 cms, posterior wall intramural fibroid 1.8x1.2 cms, fundal intramural fibroid 2.7x2.0 cms, endometrial echo is 7.7 cms, uterus measure 8.0x5.0x6.2 cms, Ovaries normal in size,shape and echotexture right ovary 2.7x1.7 cms, left ovary 2.6x1.5 cms, Minimal free fluid seen in POD, Adnexa are free. Taking Homeopathy medicine. Can I wait till menopause wherein it may shrink or should I get operated