Is it likely that I have a bacterial infection in my vagina? My vagina burns and my labia itch. I also noticed an odd odor that was slightly fishy. I had unprotected sex on the 30th of December and on the 6th of January. I also had sex, with a condom on the 8th, the 13th, the 14th and on the 15th I had sex with multiple guys and at times they may not have been using a condom. The only time I had sex with the same guy was on the 13th and 14th, all the other guys were different. Could it also be an STD? The smell didn't come until today, but my labia has been itching for a few days. Sex doesn't cause me any pain either. Also, I was on my period when I had sex on the 13th and 14th. I took a shower a few hours ago, but before that the last time I showered was on the 10th.