recently I was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease. and lately the symptoms are becoming non stop. nausea, fatigue.(most always) sleepy , swelling in rt foot and leg, rt leg becomes very painful at times. my stomach protrudes because I am retaining fluids. over weight by 20 lbs, six mos ago I was taking high doses of prednazone along with drip (cemo treatment) twice monthly, today ,i am in remission, my next apt is in 6 mos. In feb ,I was diagnosed with auto-immune hemophilic ( please excuse my lack of terms ) admitted to hospital with congestive heart failure. the stress I was under at that time was due to the loss of my 40 yr old son. cause of death, congestive heart failure. his daughter of 9 yrs.i have raised from 4 mos. she lost her mom in a car accident. I am all she has.and my options aren t the best. please , I need some countable drs, advice, thank you for ur help and for your service, Suzanne maxwell