My 1 year old wakes up between 2 and 4 every morning, screaming and crying, and does this for 30 minutes to 3 hours. She does not get a bottle at night, i ve given her a night light, toys, comforted her, let her sleep in my bed, let her cry it out (is what happens most nights) music and she also sleeps with a fan for white noise. We have ruled out night terrors. Nothing has worked, she still wakes up screaming. I have been trying to pinpoint what is triggering it. I have noticed that when she sleeps on her stomach (which is 99% of the time) she screams, the few times she has slept through the night (in 4 or more months) it has been when she has stayed on her back. I am out of answers...and ideas. I am starting to get worried that this isn t just a phase or stage and that there is something more serious going