Brief Answer:
You should undergo further laboratory and radiologic examinations.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for using HCM.
Both lobes of the thyroid gland are enlarged. This may be caused by the following: Iodine deficiency; Goitrogens (foods such as cabbage, turnips, peanuts, and soybeans and drugs such as lithium,
propylthiouracil, and
amiodarone); Heredity or Malignancy.
To detect which of the above mentioned causes is the most probable in your case, it is important to have details about the structure of the thyroid gland, vascularisation, contours, and possible lymph nodes, despite the dimensions.
Then the
endocrinologist will prescribe you some laboratory exams to test the functional part of your thyroid gland (hormone levels TSH, fT3, fT4).
Depending on thyroid echography and the hormone levels he will guide you into further examinations needed and treatment therapy. The treatment may be with medicaments and periodic follow up with echography, or surgery.
In case of extension of the thyroid gland in the mediastinum posterior to the sternum, (retrosternal) evaluated by
ultrasonography, CT scanning, or MRI, then
thyroidectomy surgery will be considered.
Hope this is helpful.
Let me know if you need more clarifications. Otherwise please close and rate the answer.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Juarda