Hi dr Samuel , I am 42year old women and have been suffering from low energy, fatigue,irritability,for about last five years, in between I would be down with viral like symptoms and burning sensation in the eyes. This finally came to a point where I was felling very very low and had to see a psychiatrist about 10 months back, and am currently on the following medicines Stablon ,Flunil 20, clonotril, Modafil and lamez 200. I have also been losing a lot of hair and have less dense hair , male pattern kind of hair loss for last ten years. I have been getting various tests done on the recommendation of various physicians earlier most of my test have been fine except for low hemoglobin level , low vitamin D, and high triglycerides level. My current weight is 74kgs and height 5 4inches. Could you please advise as to what could be the probable reasons for my current health.