My 12 year old daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 10. She is also a competitive gymnast since the age of 6 and she now practices 16.5 hours a week, plus 2-3 competitions each month during competition season. Recently (competition season) she has had extremely low blood sugars every night between 12am-3am for 5 weeks now. Dr.'s have reduced Lantus and dinner Humalog insulin but no change; she still drops during these hours. These lows have resulted in 3 seizures and NO sleep for either of us over this 5 week timeframe. We have scheduled times that I wake her to check, if low we treat with carbs and retest every 15 minutes. This process takes until 3am or later to get her blood sugar to stay above 150 for two consecutive checks. After, extreme amounts of sugar, sandwiches, fast acting sugar, and IV glucose when paramedics were called, her blood sugar will still rise and fall during those hours. Most mornings she still only in the high 100's even after all of the sugar treatments. Most recent seizure, I gave her approx. 24 oz. of OJ when I notice she was dropping at 11:30pm. She still had a seizure, 911 were called and her sugar was 36 when they first checked, they gave her a tube of the glucose gel, and IV glucose. Once she came around I gave her more OJ and a turkey sandwich. After about 1 hour her sugar was 161 and the paramedics left. 45 minutes later, her sugar dropped back down below 80. We started the process all over!!! Any ideas?