trauma to head with
head injury signs like
loss of consciousness, vomiting, seizures, Ear/nose bleed,
severe headache, giddiness, blurring of vision is an emergency.
Normally our body reacts to the sudden accidents by releasing adrenaline and which causes fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response which can lead to black out/clouding of thoughts for few seconds. this would b cause for why you do not remember how u fell.
In your scenario u do not have any signs as of now, do not worry.
Things to do:
1)Watch for headache injury signs at least till 48 hrs from the time of trauma.
if occurs report to the hospital immediately.
2)can apply cold compression at the site of injury.
3) Take pain killer (
diclofenac 50mg twice a day if your non asthmatic if not then take
paracetamol 500mg twice a day)
4) Do not take tramadol it causes drowsiness and nausea/vomiting which can overlap with head injury signs.
5) Drink plenty of water and rest.
6) donot travel/ fly at present.