My mother has fought cancer for the past 15 or more years. First was anal cancer, she went thru radiation and chemo and in remission. Then she had to have an artery from her leg placed for her heart..? Then she was diagnosed with breast cancer...they did a mesectomy (probably spelled that wrong) and she had chemo treatment but no radiation. She never improved. weightwise after the first cancer/radiation. Now, today she went to the doctor and she has heart cancer. They cannot treat it aggressively b/c of her deteriorating health, she only weighs 80-82 lbs...5'6" and always weighed around 130's..She is going to go start chemo treatments this next week and go from there...however, her doctor says that this will not go away...My mom is 54..What type of treatments are there for this heart cancer and how, if she has been taking chemo pills and with all of the chemo is this happening? What is the survival rate for this:?