Does Quinfamida raise blood pressure in hypertension patients taking Atenolol(50 mg)? My wife is 43 yrs. of age and we have been going through hell for two months. She has had several things happening at once. Shortness of breath to the point that she has passed out and given oxygen therapy. Hypertension started out of the blue and she used to have low blood pressure. She gets numbing on the right side of her face and uncontrollable shaking, not from cold, seeing as though we live in a tropical climate. We live in the Dominican Republic. She was diagnosed with Amebiasis and put on treatment. Treatment began yesterday, and I have had to rush her into the emergency room several times and all they give her is IV, and although it seems to rehydrate her for several hours, she quickly dehydrates again. She also has fairly bad anemia at this point, the doctor says. It could be caused by the amoebas eating the red blood cells...? She is not retaining iron levels, and her body may not be absorbing the iron properly. We assume that she may have a neurological problem as well, and I have even thought about mad cows disease. I am hoping some doctor can shed some light for us. She continues to lose weight rapidly, possibly weighing in at 105 lbs, being 5 4 .